Pre-University Course (PUC) - Syllabus AP IIIT PUC Syllabus - Here
Course Content:
Unit - I (14 Hours)
FUNCTIONS: Introduction to functions, Types of functions, Inverse functions, Exponential function, Logarithmic function, Graphs of functions and Exponential equation.
Unit - II (09 Hours) LINEAR INEQUALITIES: Linear Inequalities in one variable, Inequalities involving Absolute values, System of linear in equations.
Unit – III (09 Hours) PROGRESSIONS: Sequences and series, Arithmetic progression, Geometric progression, Harmonic progression. PRINCIPLE OF MATHEMATICAL INDUCTION: Sums of Natural Numbers, Principle of Mathematical Induction.
Unit – IV (10 Hours) TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS: Angles and coordinate Lines, Trigonometric functions of acute angles, Trigonometric functions of General angles, Graphs of Trigonometric functions, Reductions to Functions of positive acute angles.
Unit-V TRIGONOMETRIC FUNCTIONS OF MULTIPLE ANGLES: (08Hours) Trigonometric functions of two angles, Trigonometric functions of multiple angles, Trigonometric functions of Sub-Multiple angles, Inverse Trigonometric functions.
Unit – VI (10 Hours) STRAIGHT LINES: Cartesian Coordinates, Locus, Slope of a line (Angle between two lines), Various forms of the equation of a line, Parallel and perpendicular lines, General equation of a line, Distance of a point from a line( Distance between Parallel lines), Family of lines.
Unit I: Physical World, Units & Measurement (07 Hours) Introduction to physics, Units and measurements, system of units, fundamental units, measurement of Length, mass and time; derived units, Dimensions of Physical Quantities, Dimensional Analysis and its Applications. Accuracy, Precision of Instruments and errors in measurements.
Unit II: Vectors (08 Hours) Scalar and Vector, Types of Vectors, Unit vector, Addition and subtraction of vectors: Triangle law of Vector Addition, Parallelogram law of Vector Addition (with proof), Polygon law of Vectors, Resolution of a vector into Rectangular components. Scalar and vector products with properties and examples, relative velocity (boat problems)
Unit III: Kinematics (09 Hours) Frame of reference and Motion in a straight line: Position, displacement, distance, velocity, speed and acceleration; displacement, velocity and acceleration-time graphs, kinematic equations of motion, Free-fall motion. Projectile Motion in a plane: Oblique, Horizontal projectile motion (expressions for maximum height, time of flight and range).
Pre-University Course (PUC) - Syllabus AP IIIT PUC Syllabus
Unit IV: Laws of Motion (09 Hours) Concept of force, Newton‟s laws of motion and its applications by free body diagrams, Equilibrium of concurrent forces, Static, kinetic and rolling friction, laws of friction, derivation of acceleration for horizontal and inclined plane, lubrication, uniform and non-uniform circular motion, Dynamics of uniform circular motion: Centripetal force, examples of circular motion (vehicle on level circular road, vehicle on banked road (without friction and with friction)).
Unit V: Work, Energy and Power (07 Hours) Work done by a constant force and a variable force; kinetic energy, power, work- energy theorem, Conservative and non-conservative forces with examples and properties, Potential energy, potential energy of a spring, Gravitational potential energy, Energy diagrams.
UNIT- VI: Conservation of Energy (08 Hours) Conservation of energy and applications- vertical circular motion, Conservation of linear momentum, Impulse, Impulse – momentum theorem, Collisions: elastic and inelastic collisions in one and two dimensions.
Pre-University Course (PUC) - Syllabus AP IIIT PUC Syllabus
UNIT-I: Atomic Structure (10 Hours) Wave nature of light, Plank‟s quantum theory and Photoelectric effect, Line spectra and Bohr‟s model, hydrogen spectra, limitations of Bohr model. Wave nature of matter, De-Broglie‟s relationship, Heisenberg uncertainty principle. Introduction to quantum mechanics and atomic orbitals, Quantum numbers, Rules for filling electrons in orbitals (Aufbau, Hund‟s & Pauli‟s principle), Electronic configuration of atoms.
UNIT-II: Periodic Classification (06 Hours) Modern periodic law, Classification of elements. Periodicity and Periodic trends in atomic radii and ionic radii. Ionization energy, successive ionization energies, periodic trends in first ionization energies. Electron affinity, electronegativity, Metals, non-metals, and metalloids.
UNIT-III: Chemical Bonding (10 Hours) Types of chemical bonding-Ionic, Covalent, metallic and co-ordinate covalent bond. Lewis symbols and Octet rule. Drawing Lewis structures and formal charge calculation. Valence bond theory-its limitations, VSEPR theory, Concept of hybridization-postulates, the formation of sp, sp2 , and sp3 , sp 3 d and sp3 d 2 hybrid orbitals. Molecular orbital theory, molecular orbital energy level diagrams of H2, C2, N2, O2, O2 + , O2 - , O2 2- , F2. Hydrogen bond, and its classification.
UNIT-IV: Gaseous State (06 Hours) Introduction to gases, characteristics, Gas Laws-Boyle‟s, law, Charles law and Avagadro‟s law. Derivation of the ideal gas equation. Applications of ideal gas equation (Gas densities and molar mass), Partial pressures, and mole fractions. The kinetic molecular theory of gases-postulates. Deviation of Ideal behavior (Van der Waal‟s gas equation concept and equation only). Types of molecular velocities-average velocity, most probable velocity & RMS velocity.
UNIT-V: Stoichiometry (08 Hours) Mole concept, the concept of molecular weight and equivalent weight. Percentage composition, calculations of empirical, molecular formulae. Balancing and stoichiometry of equations, Calculation of oxidation number and balancing Redox reactions using oxidation number method and ion-electron method.
UNIT-VI: Solutions (08 Hours) Solutions and their properties, percent concentrations (w/w%, w/v% and v/v%), concentration terms-molarity, normality, molality, mole fraction and parts per million. Colligative properties of solutions-Vapor pressure, and boiling point, lowering of vapor pressure, elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point and osmotic pressure. Determination of molar mass from colligative properties.