1. Here ' r ' means Height Area Radius Breadth 2. Curved surface area for right prism is Perimeter of base height Perimeter height Perimeter of base + height 3. Find the slant height with radius 7 m and height 10 m is 12.3 m 13.3 m 13.2 m 12.2 m 4. If the diameter of sphere is 10 then radius of the sphere is 6 7 3 5 5. is curved surface area for Sphere Hemisphere Cone Prism 6. In the given formula , ' a ' represents the Length of the cuboid Breadth of the cuboid Side of a cube Radius of sphere 7. The formula for slant height is 8. A sphere , a cone and a cylinder have same radius and same height . then find the ratio of their curved surface areas ? 4 : : 4 4 : 4 : : 4 : 4 None 9. The side of the cube is 5 cm , then volume of the cube is 25 100 150 125 10. In the formula , the value of is None 11. Write the total surface area for the following figure None 12. Find the volume of right circular cone with radius 6 cm and height 7 cm. 265 266 264 264 13. The curved surface area of cone is 4070 and its diameter is 70 cm . what is its slant height ? 34 cm 35 cm 36 cm 37 cm 14. The volume of a cube with each edge of length 4 cm is 8 16 32 64 15. If the radius of a cone is 6 cm and height is 8 cm then the slant height is 14 cm 12 cm 8 m 10 cm 16. Total surface area of a cuboid with 5 cm length , 3 cm breadth and 2 cm height is 64 62 34 32 17. Total surface area of a cuboid with 4 cm length , 2 cm breadth and 1 cm height is 24 28 14 26 18. Total surface area of a cuboid with ( x - 1 ) cm length , x cm breadth and x cm height is.... 2 2 19. Total surface area of a cuboid with ' a' cm each of length , breadth and height is.. 20. Total surface area of a cuboid with length 8 cm , breadth 6 cm , height 5 cm is 140 236 120 40 21. Lateral surface area of a cuboid with 5 cm length , 3 cm breadth and 2 cm height is.... 32 64 16 24 22. Lateral surface area of a cuboid with 8 cm length , 6 cm breadth and 5 cm height is... 140 236 136 240 23. Area of four walls of a roo0 if its length 12 m , breadth 10 m and height 7.5 m 230 330 285 385 24. Total surface area of a cube with side 4 cm is... 64 16 24 96 25. Total surface area of a cube with side 15 m is .... 1350 225 3375 900 26. Lateral surface area of a cube with side 3 m is 27 36 270 36 27. Each of length , breadth and height of a cuboid are increased by 25% . Ratio of the total surface areas of new and old cuboids is... 16 : 25 4 : 5 5 : 4 25 : 16 28. Edge of a cube whose volume is 1000 is...... 10 cm 20 cm 100 cm 10.10 cm 29. Volume of a cuboid of length l = 12 cm , b = 10 cm , h = 8 cm is..... 360 960 120 80 30. Volume of a cuboid is 1200 . its length is 15 cm and breadth is 10 cm . its height is... 25 cm 5 cm 8 cm 60 cm 31. A swimming pool of a cuboid shaped has length is 50 m , width 25 m and 3 m deep through . how many litres of water does it hold ? 2500 l 15625 l 3750 l 3750000 l 32. Total surface area of a cube of volume 8000 is.... 20 m 2400 1600 400 33. Find the volume of a cube whose total surface area is 384 is.. 512 216 64 729 34. Curved surface area of the cylinder with r = 3 cm , h = 14 cm is 254 264 84 88 35. Curved surface area of cylinder with d = 7 cm , h = 10 cm is... 440 330 220 480 36. Total surface area of cylinder with r = 7 cm , h = 10 cm is.. 440 308 3080 748 37. Volume of a cylinder of radius 20 cm , height 14 cm is ... 880 17600 8800 35200 38. Volume of a cylinder is 308 with 8 m height.then its radius .. m m m m 39. The area of a thin paper sheet needed to make a cylinder with a height of 35 cm and radius 7 cm is 1540 cm2 1350 cm2 1430 cm2 1450 cm2 40. The lateral surface area of cylinder is equal to curved surface area cone . if the radius be the same , then the ratio of the height of the cylinder and slant height of the cone is 2 : 1 1 : 3 3 : 1 1 : 2 41. A cylinder and a cone have bases of equal radii and are of equal heights . then the ratio of their volumes are... 1 : 2 2 : 1 3 : 1 1 : 3 42. The total volume of a two cylindrical shaped solid iron rods each of which has 11 cm height and 7 cm of base diameter is 743 cm3 824 cm3 847 cm3 947 cm3 43. If the curved surface area of cone is 4070 cm2 and its diameter is 70 cm then its slant height is... 27 cm 30 cm 34 cm 37 cm 44. The height of a cylinder is 10 cm and its base is of 3.5 cm .An article was made by scooping out a hemisphere from each end of the cylinder. then the total surface area of the article is..... 374 cm2 424 cm2 362 cm2 324 cm2 45. The volume of the largest right circular cone that can be cut out of a cube whose edge is 7 cm is.... 79.73 cm3 cm3 85 cm3 cm3 46. A metallic sphere of radius 4.2 cm is melted and recast into the shape of a cylinder of radius 6 cm . then the height of the cylinder is..... 2.74 cm 1.74 cm 3.74 cm 4.74 cm 47. If three metallic spheres of radii 7 cm , 8 cm and 10 cm respectively are melted to form a single solid sphere , then the radius of the resulting sphere is.. 16 cm 18 cm 14 cm 12 cm 48. A 20 m deep well with diameter 7 m is dugand the earth from digging is evenly spread out to form a platform 22 m by 14 m .then the height of the platform is ... 2 m 2.25 m 2.5 m 3 m 49. A solid metallic sphere of diameter 28 cm is melted and recast into a number of smaller cones , each of diameter 4 cm . then the number of cones are.... 672 484 576 624 50. If the surface area of a sphere and a cube are equal , then the ratio of their volumes are equal to 11 : 21 21 : 11 : : 51. The volume of sphere of radius 21 cm is.... 55.44 cm3 38.8 cm3 66.4 cm3 48.8 cm3 52. If a cone of height 24 cm and radius of base 6 cm is re-shaped in the form of a sphere , then the radius of the sphere is 2 cm 4 cm 5 cm 6 cm 53. Total surface area of a hemisphere of radius 7 cm is 154 cm2 308 cm2 462 cm2 616 cm2 54. A bucket has top and bottom diameters of 40 cm and 20 cm respectively .if its depth is 12 cm then the volume of bucket is.... 8800 cm3 4400 cm3 3300 cm3 2200 cm3 55. The slant height of a cone whose r = 12 cm , h = 5 cm is... 5 cm 17 cm 13 cm 12 cm 56. The ratio of volumes of a cone and a cylinder whose radii and height are equal is... 3 : 1 1 : 3 1 : 2 1 : 1 57. The diagonal of a cube whose side is ' a ' units is.. 2a a 58. Total surface area of a cube whose side is 0.5 cm is 59. A rectangular parallelopiped is also known as.. Cube Cuboid Cone Cylinder 60. If ' l ' is the external length of a closed cuboid of thickness ' a' then internal length =.... l - 2a l + 2a l - a l + a 61. If a right angled triangle is revolved about one of the sides containing a right angle , the solid thus formed is called Cylinder Cube Cuboid Right circular cone 62. Volume of a prism is given by Perimeter of base height Perimeter of base area of base Base area height Perimeter of base length breadth 63. lateral surface area of a prism is given by Perimeter of base height Perimeter of base area of base Base area height Base area length breadth 64. Cylinder can be formed by revolving ..... about one of its sides Square Circle Right triangle Rectangle 65. Each dimension of a cube is doubled . Ratio of the total surface areas of new and original cuboid is.. 4 : 3 4 : 1 8 : 3 2 : 1 66. When dimensions are tripled , ratio of the total surface areas of old and new cuboids is...... 1 : 9 2 : 9 9 : 1 None 67. When dimensions are halved , ration of the total surface areas of new and old cuboids is... 1 : 4 4 : 1 1 : 2 2 : 1 68. When dimensions are raised to " m " times , ratio of the total surface areas of new and old cuboids is.. 1 : 2 m 1 : : 1 m2 : 1 69. Each dimension of a cuboid is raised to ' 3 ' times then ratio of the lateral surface areas of new and old cuboids .... 9 : 1 1 : 9 1 : 3 3 : 1 70. Lateral area of a cuboid with ' a ' units each of length , breadth and height is a3 units a2 units 6a2 units 4a2 units 71. Lateral area of a cuboid with ( x - 1 ) cm length , x cm breadth , ( x + 1 ) cm height is... ( 2x2 + x - 1 ) cm2 2x2 cm2 ( 4x2 + 2x - 2 ) cm2 ( 2x2 - 1 ) cm2 72. Each of length , breadth and height are increased by 50% . Ratio of the total surface area of new and old cuboids is.. 4 : 9 9: 4 2 : 3 3 : 2 73. Radius of a cylinder is doubled keeping its lateral surface areas the same . then the height is...... Halved Tripled Doubled One third 74. A sphere , a cylinder and a cone have the same radius and height . then the ratio of their curved surface areas is........ 1 : 1 : 2 : 2 : 3 : 3 : 4 : 4 : 75. A water drum X is of diameter 1 m and 2 m height while an another water drum Y is of diameter 2 m and 1 m height . then which drum can hold more water ? X Y Both None 76. If the radii of two cones are in the ratio 2 : 1 and their volumes are equal then the ratio of their heights is.......... 1 : 1 1 : 2 1 : 3 1 : 4 77. The volumes of a sphere and a right cylinder are equal and the diameter of the sphere equals the diameter of the base of the cylinder . then the ratio of height of the cylinder and the diameter of the sphere = .... 3 : 2 2 : 3 1 : 3 3 : 1 78. If the base radii of two right circular cones of the same height are in the ratio 2 : 3 , then the ratio of their volumes is......... 2 : 3 3 : 2 4 : 9 8 : 27 79. A cone , hemisphere and cylinder stand on equal bases and have the same height hen the ratio of their volumes .. 3 : 2 : 1 1 : 2 : 3 1 : 3 : 2 2 : 1 : 3 80. The diameter of the moon is about that of earth . then ratio of volumes of the earth and the moon is........ 1 : 64 64 : 1 1 : 16 16 : 1 81. The radii of two cylinders are in the ratio 2 : 3 and their heights are in the ratio of 5 : 3 .The ratio of their volumes is...... 4 : 9 9 : 4 20 : 27 27 : 20 82. In what ratio are the volumes of a cylinder , a cone and a sphere , if each has the same diameter and the same height ? 1 : 3 : 2 2 : 3 : 1 3 : 1 : 2 3 : 2 : 1 83. A parallelopiped whose faces are rectangles and adjacent faces are perpendicular is called a... Cube Cone Cuboid Cylinder 84. Diagonal of a cuboid is given by.. 85. Height of a cuboid = 86. Volume of a cuboid = l + b + h lbh 2h ( l + b ) 2 ( lb + lh + bh ) 87. Volume of a cube = 3a a3 3a2 3a3 88. Total surface area of a cube = 4a3 6a3 4a2 6a2 89. Diagonal of a cube = 3a 2a a a 90. Total surface area of a cuboid = 2h ( l + b ) 2 ( lh + bh ) lbh 2 ( lh + hb + lb ) 91. Surface area of walls of a room = 2 ( l + b ) h( l + b ) 2 ( bl + hb + hl ) 2h ( l + b ) 92. Curved surface area of a cone = r2h 93. Volume of cone = r2h 94. Total surface area of a right circular cone = None 95. Slant height of cone = 96. Volume of cylinder is = h 2h 2rh h 97. Curved surface area of a cylinder = h 2h 2rh 2r2h 98. Total surface area of a cylinder = 2r ( r + l ) 2r ( r + h ) r ( r + h ) 2rh 99. Volume of a hollow cylinder = h ( R - r ) 100. The set of all points in space which are equidistant from a fixed point is called Circle Cube Sphere Hemisphere 101. Surface area of a sphere = 2 3 4 6 102. Volume of a sphere = 4 4 103. Curved surface area of a hemisphere = 2 3 4 104. Volume of a hemisphere = 105. Outer surface area of a spherical shell is 4 3 2 106. Volume of a spherical shell is 107. Volume of a frustum if are surface areas of the two ends is h h ( A_{1} + + A_{4} ) 108. Curved surface area of a frustum = ( R + r )l ( R - r )l ( )l ( )l 109. In which situation , we need to find out the total surface area Gift paper to cover a gift Ghee in a can Colouring a room Sugar in the tin 110. To calculate the quantity of water inside a bottle , we need to find out the Area Volume Density Total surface area 111. To calculate the quantity of canvas needed for making tent , we need to find out Lateral surface area Total surface area Weight Volume 112. To find out the quantity of water in the bottle , we measure.... Surface area Total surface area Volume Base area 113. In a right circular cone is cut by a plane parallel to its base , and the portion containing the vertex is removed , the remaining part is called------ of the cone Sphere Hemisphere Ring Frustum 114. Lateral surface area of a cube is given by 2 4 6 115. A joker's cap is in the form of a right circular cone whose base radius is 7 cm and height is 24 cm .then the area of the sheet required to make the cap is 528 550 620 588 116. Total surface area of a regular circular cylinder is 2rh rl 2r ( + r ) 2r ( r + h ) 117. The volume of a sphere of radius r is obtained by multiplying its surface area by 118. Height of a cuboid with 5 cm length , 8 cm breadth and of total surface area 340 is-- 13 cm 3 cm 10 cm 40 cm 119. Breadth of a cuboid of lateral area 400 with length 15 cm and height 8 cm is..... 23 cm 120 cm 7 cm 10 cm 120. A metal cuboid of dimensions 22 cm 15 cm 7.5 cm was melted and cast into a cylinder of height 14 cm . its radius is 15 cm 7.5 cm 5 cm 9 cm 121. The number of bullets that can be made out of a cube of a lead whose edge measures 22 cm each bullet being 2 cm in diameter is--- 2541 881 1762 5042 122. If a cylinder , a cone and a sphere has the same diameter and same height then the ratio of their volumes is..... 1 : 3 : 2 3 : 2 : 1 3 : 1 : 2 2 : 1 : 3 123. In the figure 'l' is Length Radius Slant height None 124. Which of the following shape is like that of laddu Paper Pencil Bowl 125. The relation among l , r and h in the figure is + r + h None 126. Which of the following shape is like a brick ? Bat Book Ball Bowl 127. Identify spherical shape object Chair Table Circle Foot ball 128. Which pf the following is a three dimensional figure ? Loading...